PART #6 - My Sister Works Downtown , Simple Present Statement & Present Continuous (Activity your sister)


Sumber Foto :

 ðŸ–‰ Transportation 

  • Take a train (kereta)
  • Take a subway (kereta bawah tanah)
  • Ride a bike / motorcycle
  • Take a bus
  • Etc



  • Lala is Dara's sister (Lala adalah saudara perempuan Dara)
  • Brin is Dara friends (Brin adalah temanannya Dara)

  🖉 Simple Present Statement 

Bentuk +   S + V1 (s/es) + O

Bentuk - S + Do/Does + Not + V1 (s/es) + O 

  • Do = I, you, we, they
  • Does = She, He, It  


Bentuk + 
I walk tp school
We live with our parents
They use public transportation
Bentuk + 
She walks to the library
She watches a movie 
  • (Subject She menggunakan "es")
Bentuk - 
We don't walk to school
They don't live with our parent
They don't use public transportation


 Aturan V1 ditambah S / es 

1.    Verb berakhiran s, o, ch, sh, x, z ditambah "es". 
        Example : 
  • Kisses
  • fixes,
  • finishes
  • discusses
  • watches
  • Do = does
  • go = goes

2.    Verb berakhiran huruf "y" dan sebelumnya consonant, 
        ubah "y" = i dan ditambah "es".
        Example : 
  • lady = ladies
  • carry = caries
  • study = studies 
3.    Verb berakhiran huruf "y" dan sebelumnya Vocal, 
        "y" ditambah "s".
        Example :
  • Say = says
  • Lay = lays
  • etc     

  ðŸ–‰ Simple Present Irregular Verbs 


 Time Expressions 

  • Early
  • Late
  • Everyday
  • At 9 p.m
  • At noon
  • on sundays ('s' setiap minggu rutin)
  • on weekdays 

Have  --- Has

Have & Do :

  • I
  • We
  • They 

Has & Does :

  • She
  • He
  • Name

 Yes / No Question 

  • Do + S (I, we, they) + V1 + O + ?
  • Does + S (He, she, it) + V1 + O + ?

Example :

  • Do you wake up early ?
  • Does he eat lunch at noon ?


 WH Question 

WH Question + Do + S (I, we, they) + V1 + O ?

WH Question + Does + S (he, she, it) + V1 + O ?


Example :

  • What time do you get up ?
  • What time does he have dinnes ?
  • Does he eat lunch at noon ?
   🖉 The schedule of one of your family members
 ~ Please describe the schedule of one of your family members. What she/he do in each every week (use "s /es"- do/does)

Answer :
I want to describe my younger sister in everyday life.
Her name is Isna
She gets up every morning at 5 o'clock (karena "she" menggunakan V1 + S)
On sundays, she goes to the market at 7 a.m. She is very dilligent.
She walks to her office at 7.30 a.m from monday -  friday.
She works in Jakarta
She doesn't rides a motorcycle (She menggunakan "does dan has")
She has a lunch at 12.00
She does her assignment in the office at 12.30 p.m
Every saturday, she goes to National Library by bus.


   🖉 Vocabulary : 
  •  Incredible = menakjubkan
  • Season (sizen) = musim
  • Definitely (defenetli) = tentu saja
  • Retreat = mundur
  • Retired (ritaired) = pensiun
  • Strange = Aneh
  • Weird = aneh
  • Prefer = lebih menyukai
  • Drained (dreind) = terkuras
  • Grateful = bersyukur
  • Badass = bajingan
  • Guy = pria
  • Exact = tepat (exactly)
  • Advantage = keuntungan
  • Melted = meleleh
  • Mist = kabut
  • Decided (desaid) = memutuskan
  • Swearing = sumpah
  • Degree = derajat / tingkat
  • Pitch back = mundur
  • Sharp = Tajam
  • Unscramble (anskrambel) = Uraikan
  • Routine = rutin
  • Rugs = karpet
  • Exciting = sangat seru / menarik
  • Terrific = Hebat / luar biasa
  • All day along = sepanjang hari
  • Neighborhoods = lingkungan sekitar
  • It's pretty dangerous = cukup berbahaya
  • It's pretty relaxing = cukup santai
  • Furry (fery) = berbulu

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