LEKTION 51 - Einladung (Invitation)



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You will be learning how to write a letter. This is a part of the Goethe certificate A1 exam.

die Einladung – die Einladungen


eine Einladung schreiben

to write an invitation

jemanden einladen*)

to invite someone

*) The verb einladen is a trenbare verb.


You can devide (membagi) a letter in three parts :

 1. Anrede     (Salutation)

2. Textteil    (Text Segment)

3. Grußformel und Unterschrift    (Closing and signature)



Salutation - sapaan

When you are inviting friends, its generally an informal letter.

So if you writing to a male friends, you can start with :

-             - Lieber John, oder ;

-           - Hallo John.

And when writing to a feminim friends you would say :

-          - Liebe Julia, oder ;

-           - Hallo Julia.


Now let’s come to the body of the letter :


Text segment – bagian teks/isi

We’ll first learn how to :

-            - Invite someone,

-          - Positive replyed to the invitation

-          - How to write when you not able to take the invitation.

So let’s first learn how to write a normal invitation :


To invote

After anrede, you start with telling what is happening


>> Wir machen ein Fest    (We are having a party)

>> Ich habe Gebutstag!    (It's my birthday!)


There could be other occasion like :

-       Hochzeitstag                                               (marriage anniversary)

-       Mein Sohn hat Geburtstag                         (It’s my son’s birthday)

-       Ich möchte dich zum Essen einladen.          (I would like to invite you to dinner)


Then you can direcly invite the person, you can say :

 >> Wir laden dich / euch ein! (We invite you!)

 >> Wir möchten dich gerne dabei haben. (We would like to have you with us)


You can also form this sentences in the first person :

-       Ich lade dich / euch ein.

-       Ich möchte dich gerne dabei haben.


You should also mention the place and time, you can say :

>> Der Treffpunkt ist bei uns zu Hause.    (The meeting place is at our home)

>> Wir treffen uns im Restaurant Marienhof. ( We will meet in the restauran)

>> Wir fangen um 18 Uhr an.    (We will start at 18.00 hrs)

>> Die Party / Das Programm beginnt um 19 Uhr.      (The party /  The program starts at 19.00 hours. 

Sometimes you can also ask your friend to get something :

-       Kannst du einen Salat mitbringen? / Kannst du einen Kuchen mitbringen?

Can you bring a salad? / Can you bring a cake?

-       Hoffentlich hast du Zeit!

Hopefully you have time!


And then you can end with :

-       Viele Grüße (Grußformel), and your name,


Here is how the complete letter of invitation would look like :

Now let’s see how you would react to this invitation :

auf eine Einladung reagieren

respond to an invitation


The first thing that you should thanks for the invitation.

>> Vielen Dank für die Einladung!    (Many thanks for the invitation!)

>> Danke für deine Einladung!    (Thank you for your invitation!)


zusagen (to accept the suggestion)


After thanks the invitation, you could say :

-       Ich komme sehr gern.

I would like to come


And if there is no mention of venue or time, you can  ask :

-       Wann und wo findet die Party statt?

When and where does the party take place?


Naturally, you are happy about the invitation :

-       Ich freue mich schon auf Samstag und komme sehr gern.

I am looking forward to Saturday and I would like to come.

-       Ich freue mich sehr und komme sehr gern.

I am very happy and I would like to come.


Then you could say :

-       Ich bringe gern einen Kuchen mit.

I would like to bring a cake.


If there was nothing mention in the invitation then you could ask :

-       Can ich etwas mitbringen?

Can I bring something?


If you want, you can ask :

-       Kann mein Freund/meine Freundin mitkommen?

Can my friend/girlfriend come with me?

          *) It is very important that you ask before you take someone along to a party.


And then you could end with the Grüßeformel :

-       Viele Grüße und bis Samstag!

Best wishes and see you on Saturday!


Now let’s see how would such a letter look like :

Now lets see how to frame the letter when you unable to take the invitation :


to reject a suggestion


After thanking for the invitation, you could say :

-       Es tut mir leid, aber ich kann nicht kommen.

-       Ich kann leider nicht kommen.


You could also give a reason why you can not come, you could say :

-       Ich habe am Montag eine Prüfung.

-       Ich habe leider keine Zeit.

-       Am Samstag muss ich arbeiten.

-       Ich bin am Samstag schon verabredet.


Sometimes, you are invited for lunch or dinner, but you can not make it on that day. In such a case, you could suggestion also on place or timing, for example :

-       Konnen wir uns am Sonntag treffen?


You could also wish your friend a nice time :

>> Ich  wünsche dir / euch viel Spaß!    (I wish you a lot of fun)

>>  Viel Spaß auf der Party!    (Have fun at the party!)

>> Hoffentlich sehen wir uns bald.    (Hope to see you soon) 

>> Viele  Grüße und bis bald!    (Best wishes and see you soon).

Don’t forget to end with signature.


Lets see how such a letter look like. Will take the same situation, where Monica has invited Boris, and Boris is replying that he can not come :







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