das Perfekt – Teil 2
(Present perfect tense – part 2)
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wieder = lagi springen = lompat reisen = travel/bepergian losgehen = mulai / meledak laufen = lari wandern = hiking/mendaki passieren = terjadi werden = akan / menjadi |
Learning Objectives :
1) “sein” and “haben” as helping verbs – examples.
2) “sein” and “haben” – konjugation.
3) When to use “sein” and when to use “haben”
In the previous lesson you learned how to build perfect. In the second position you use haben/sein conjugated where as the verb goes at the end in Partizip II form.
Let’s look at two examples :
- In the first sentence the Hilfsverb is haben, in the second one is sein. Both these verbs are in the second position.
- The Partizip II of the verbs is placed at the end of the sentences.
- Do remember that the Hilfsverben have to be conjugated
One thing you should remember, whenever you are learning the Partizip II form of any verbs, learn it along with the Helfsverb. This Helfsverb is generally conjugated for er/sie/es. z.B => Essen = hat gegessen.
Verben mit “haben” als Hilfsverb
Verbs with “haben” as helping verb
Most of the verbs use “haben” as a helping verb while building “perfekt”.
Let’s look at a few examples :
kaufen – hat gekauft |
Er hat ein neues Auto gekauft. He has bought a new car. |
trinken – hat getrunken |
Sabine hat heute viele Kaffee getrunken. Sabine has drunk a lot od coffee today. |
regnen – hat geregnet |
Es hat wieder geregnet It has rained again. |
Here are some more verbs, who’s perfect you should know :
Verben mit “sein” als Hilfsverb
Verbs with “sein” as helping verb
ð Verbs that show a change of place => Ortsveränderung (perubahan lokasi)
ð Verbs that show a change of state => Zustandsveränderung (perubahan keadaan)
ð Some spesific verbs.
Verben der Ortsveränderung verbs with change of place |
fliegen – ist geflogen flown / terbang |
Meine Eltern sind gestern nach London geflogen. My parents flew to London yeterday. *in this case there is a change of place from from A to B, that mean from present place to London. |
gehen – ist gagangen gone / pergi |
Er ist mit Miriam ins Kino gegangen. He went with Miriam to Cinema. *Here also there is a change of place from A to B. A is location where he started, and B is the Kino. |
Here are a few other verbs that also show a changes a places :
Verben der Zustandsveränderung verbs with change of state |
sterben – ist gestorben to die / mati |
Letzte Woche ist seine Vater gestorben. His father dies last week. *here is a change of : He was earlier alive and now he’s dead |
einschlafen – ist eingeschlafen to fall asleep / tertidur |
Maria ist im Unterricht eingeschlafen. Maria fell asleep in the class *She was awake and now she fell asleep, there is a change in state. |
Sometimes it’s not easy to identify the change of state. Hence it is advice to learn these verbs along with their perfect form as it is.
Some of the other verbs that show at Zustandsveränderung are :
aufwachen |
ist aufgewacht (to wake up) |
wachsen |
ist gewachsen (to grow) |
aufstehen |
ist aufgestanden (to get up) |
Here are a few more verbs that take “Sein” as the Hilfsverb.
Andere Verben (other verbs) :
*In the normal case, we use the Präteritum for “sein” what is “war”, you would ask:
Wo warst du getern?
where were you yeterday?
*But in the spoken language one does come across the perfect for “sein”
Verben mit “sein” und “haben” als Hilfsverb
Verbs with sein and haben as helping verb
ð In the first case, the Hilfsverb is sein (bin). This is because you see a change of place.
ð In the next sentence, the Hilfsverb is haben (habe). Because there is no changes of place. From the sentence you can’t make out where the person is driving to.
ð So such verbs that sometimes show a change of place and sometimes don’t, take both sein and haben as the helping verbs.
Übung / exercise :
1) Maria hat mir viel geholfen (bantu).
2) Wo bist du geblieben?
3) Heute bin ich spät aufgestanden (bangun).