LEKTION 44 - "das Perfekt" Teil 1 (Present perfect tense - part 1)


das Perfekt – Teil 1

(Present perfect tense – part 1)

Sumber gambar : online-german-course.com

Learning Objektives :

1.     Different tenses in German

2.    What is “Perfekt?”

3.    Sentence formation in “Perfect”


Was ist Perfekt?

" Present perfect tense.

" Commonly used in the spoken language, private and half-formal letters.

" There are 3 aspects of perfekt :

Part 1 – Sentence structure

Part 2 – Helping verbs

Part 3 – Past participle

In this lesson we’ll just be dealing with the first part, how is the sentence structure in past tense.



Let’s first look at a few sentences in present tense and in the past tense.



Ø  When making a sentence in perfect, you have to make sure that there is a Hilsverb in the second position.

Ø  Hilsverb can either be haben / sein (to have / to be), and these other words which are conjugated.

Ø  Why do some sentences have haben as Hilfsverb? And why the other have sein as Hilfsverb? This will be doing in the next chapter.

Ø  In present tense the verbs are generally in the second position :

Ich esse einen Salat / Wir fahren nach Paris.

(I am eating a salad / We are travelling to Paris)

Ø  But, in perfect these verbs move towards (ke) the end of the sentence => gegessen / gefahren, and it also takes a different form.

Ø  We use the Partizip II form of this verb (Partizip Perfekt adalah bentuk masa lampau dari kata kerja. Partizip 2 sering di sebut juga Partizip Perfekt. Dan ternyata Partizip Perfekt tidak hanya di gunakan untuk menyatakan kalimat lampau, namun lebih dari itu, di gunakan juga untuk kata sifat, kalimat pasif, dan Futur (masa yang akan datang)).

Ø  Partizip II is the past participle form of the verb.

Ø  In this two sentences, gegessen is the partizip II for essen. And gefahren is the Partizip II from fahren.

Ø  Always learn the Partizip II  of a verb along with its helping verb, for example :

essen = hat gegessen

fahren = ist gefahren


 Now let’s look at two different types of questions in perfect.


*In this questions, the position of the helping verb and the partizip II is the same as the

  normal sentences. That means, das Hilfsverb (helping verb) is on Position 2, and Partizip  II ist am ende.


Let’s see what happen when we have a Ja-Nein Frage :


*In this case the helping verb will be in the 1st position, don’t forget to conjugated the verb.

*And the end of the sentences , you will find the Partizip II of the verb.


Now let’s look at an example Mit trennbaren Verben (with separable verbs)  in perfect:


In past tense you would say :


-       In this case, the Modalveb is in the 2nd position.

-       And musste is the Präteritum form of the Modalverb. This is because whenever a modal verb is there, you generally use it’s Präteritum form, and not prfect.

-       And since the sentence has a Modalverb, the other verb will be in Infinitiv, placed at the end.

-       You will be learning the Präteritum for Modalverben at A2.


Ãœbung / exercise :

1)    deine Hausaufgabe – hast – gemacht? – du       

Hast du deine Hausaufgabe gemacht?         


2)   Am Freitag – ins Kino – wir – gegangen - sind

Am Freitag sind wir ins Kino gegangen. oder Wir sind am Freitag ins Kino gegangen.


3 )  nur 3 Stunden – Ich – geschlafen – habe

       Ich habe nur 3 Stunden geschlafen.





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