LEKTION 42 - Untrennbare Verben / Nicht trennbare Verben (non-separable verbs – k.kerja yang tidak dapat dipisahkan)


Untrennbare Verben / Nicht trennbare Verben

(non-separable verbs – k.kerja yang tidak dapat dipisahkan)

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bald = segera, nanti, tidak lama lagi.                         empfehlen = menganjurkan / menyarankan.

Herr Ober = pelayan                                                   Schulleiter = kepala sekolah

herzlich  = tulus, hangat, ramah                                 Mülltonne = tempat sampah

interessante = menarik                                              Geschichten = cerita

Vertrauen  = mempercayai                                        das Vertrauen = kepercayaan

Anweisungen = instruksi                                            das Schach = catur

Erdbeben = gempa bumi                                            das Gemüse  = sayur


Learning Objectives :

1.     What are “Untrennbare Verben”?

2.    Their position in a sentence

3.    Conjugation

4.    Various “Untrenbare Verben”



ð  In both of cases, the verbs have a prefix, and the second part is the normal verb. In this case “stehen” (berdiri).

ð  Since the prefix of the first verb is separable (dapat dipisahkan), it is called “Trennbares Verb”.

ð  In the second verb, you can not separate the prefix, but used the word as a whole. This verb is known as “Untrennbares Verb”.

ð  Another basic difference between the two verbs, is die Betonung (intonation). In the case of Trennbare verben, the intonation or the strest (penekanan) is on the prefix “auf”. In the case of Untrennbares verben, the stest is not on the prefix.


Als Vollverb

as main verb

ð  As you can see the verb here is in the second position, it is conjugated. But the prefix is not separated from the verb



ð  Here again, the verb is in the second position and conjugated.


Ja – Nein - Frage

ð  In the case of Ja-Nein-Frage, like other works Untrennbare Verben will also be in the first position and conjugated. The prefix is not separated.

Mit Modalverb

With modal verb

ð  So like with all other verbs, the modal verbs will be on the second position conjugated and Untrennbare verb will be at the end of the sentence and an infinitive. (k. kerja yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda, kata sifat, atau kata keterangan)


Now let’s see how to conjugated the verb :


ð  Since the prefix is not going to be separated from the verb, the conjugation is very simple


Let’s go through a few Untrennbare Verben.

The prefix are :


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