How to be more polite in English ?

This is check out common mistaken in English, lets practice ~~~


  • 😔You are wrong ---> 😍 I think you are mistaken
  • 😔Your work isn't good --->😍 I am not quite satisfied with this work
  • 😔I hate this song ---> 😍 I am not very fond of this song
  • 😔Send me the report ---> 😍 Could you send me the report?
  • 😔I want a hamburger ---> 😍 I would like to have a hamburger
  • 😔Tell me when you are available --->😍 Let me know when you are available
  • 😔That's a bad idea ---> 😍 I am not sure that's a good idea
  • 😔Give me your business card ---> 😍 Do you mind if I take your business card?

Vocabulary today :

1. Polite = Sopan
2. Common = umum
3. Mistaken = kesalahan
4. quite = cukup
5. satisfied = puas
6. fond = menyukai

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