English Sentence - Beginner I


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To be Start, to day we can to learn english vocabulary V. Don't said "We were late...no...!!!!!!!!!". You can to be start again. Let's to learn with us to exercize your memorization. Hope is it usefull.👋👋👋😊😊
Here is a sentence that is easy for us to memorize :
1. I'm full = aku sudah kenyang
2. Anything will do = Terserah
3. Great ! = Hebat !
4. It doesn't matter = Gak apa-apa (gpp)
5. Oh, I see = Oh, gitu
6. I don't know = Entahlah
7. I swear = Aku bersumpah !
8. What a nice day = Betapa indahnya hari ini
9. Hurry up  = Cepatlah
10. Hold on = TUnggu bentar
11. Don't look me down = Jangan menghinaku
12. Watch out ! = Awas
13, Make a bet ? = Berani taruhan ?
14. I am scare = Aku takuttt cuyy

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