English Sentence - Beginner II

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To be Start, to day we can to learn english vocabulary VI. Don't said "We were late...no...!!!!!!!!!". You can to be start again. Let's to learn with us to exercize your memorization. Hope is it usefull.👋👋👋😊😊
Here is a sentence that is easy for us to memorize :
1. Why Not ? = Kenapa tidak?
2. What's wrong ? =
Ada apa ?
3. No Kidding ! = Jangan bercanda !
4. It's none of ypur business = Bukan urusanmu
5. Take a easy = Santai saja
6. Nothing much = Biasa aja
7. Nonsense = Omong kosong
8. No harad feeling = Jangan tersinggung
9. I got it = Aku paham
10. Nothing particular = Gak ada yang spesial
11. Fussy = cerewet
12. Just for fun = cuma buat senang-senang doank
13, I'am in hurry = Aku lagi buru-buru
14. I believe in  you = Aku percaya padamu

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